Friday, June 27, 2014

Play Live and Loot- $10 League of Legends Card! (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)

Hello everyone, and happy Friday! I am having another giveaway in support of St Jude. This time its for a $10 League of Legends card. I have been having a lot of fun streaming my game play, although my laptop can't seem to handle streaming WoW, so I've only been streaming Hearthstone.

The rules for the giveaway are outlined in the Rafflecopter widget, but I will briefly review them here. You have to donate to St Jude via my donor page to be eligible to win. You can donate $1 or $100, it doesn't matter. Every donation is greatly appreciated, and every donation counts as ten entries. Also, this one will be for US addresses only, and thats because the LoL card says its only valid in the United States. If you lie about donating to get access to the other entry options, all of your entries will be erased. If you use a giveaway account, you will be disqualified. This contest will end on Sunday, July 6, 2014 at midnight PDT. I will contact the winner by email. The winner then has 48 hours to respond, and if no response is received in that timeframe, a new winner will be chosen.

Thank you for your support and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, June 26, 2014

#TLCVoxBox from Influenster

I have been a member of  Influenster since October and it has been a lot of fun! For those of you who aren't familiar with the site, its basically a huge survey site for companies. You write product reviews, answer other members questions about products....its a pretty cool way to get your voice heard. You have an impact score that rises with each activity you do (it also rises by having social media linked to your account), and the higher your score, the more likely you are to qualify for a VoxBox. The VoxBoxes are the best part of Influenster because that's where you get really awesome samples! And receiving a VoxBox is like getting a present in the mail, it just makes your day a little more merry.

I wanted to share with you my most recent VoxBox, which is the TLC VoxBox. It was geared towards moms, so I got things that are relevant to my life.  In this box there was:

*Ivory Soap
*Neo to Go
*Shell Fuel Rewards Card
*Voucher for 1 Free Breyers Gelato
*Puffs to Go Tissues
*Avon Anew Reversalist Wrinkle Smoother

The things I enjoyed the most from this VoxBox: the Ivory soap, Neo to Go, Puffs pack and the Breyers gelato.

I grew up using Ivory soap, and it was nice to see that, aside from its packaging, it hasn't changed. I love Neo to Go because my children actually let me use it on them when they get hurt! They are so phobic about medicines, so this is a huge deal. And Neosporin in general is a good thing to have in your first aid kit. The Puffs pack reminds me of the tissue packs my grandma always used to carry around with her. I find myself carrying tissue packs with me in my car and my purse now that I'm a mom, and Puffs are nice because they are soft and don't rub our noses raw with constant use. I guess these things are all my favorites because I have sentimental attachments to a lot of them and they are familiar to me. But the Breyers gelato is new, and boy is it amazing! The Raspberry Cheesecake is my favorite flavor. I thought the Triple Chocolate one was really sweet (my mother in law had some in her freezer, what great timing!).

Things I enjoyed least in this VoxBox: the Shell Fuel Rewards card and Avon Anew Wrinkle Smoother.

The Shell card is a nice idea, I love me a good rewards/loyalty card. But this one wasn't fantastic for me because I don't go to Shell stations for my gas. I'm not sure if its like this around the rest of the country, but Shell has some of the highest gas prices in my town (almost beating Chevron for the highest). They're hovering at around $4.05 a gallon right now, and I just can't afford to pay that. The rewards card can be linked to your credit cards, debit card, and certain store loyalty cards, which is nice. But again, I don't get my gas there, so there isn't much incentive for me to do so.

As for Avon, I have nothing against the product other than I don't need it right now. At thirty years old, I am at that point where wrinkles should be appearing on my face. But so far *knock on wood* I have been so lucky that I don't have any. But even though I don't need it, I still played with it :) Its a very smooth cream to powder, and its translucent. I don't have much experience with makeup, but I like this product. It felt really soft and gave my face just a little smoothing out (even though there aren't any wrinkles for it to blur, which is what its meant for).

Interested in Influenster? Leave me your email in the comments below and I'll send you an invite!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. The opinions are all my own.

Friday, June 20, 2014

So About That Last Giveaway.....

Congratulations to Nicole! You are the winner of the iTunes gift card! So check your email....its a lengthy one lol.

If an iTunes gift card wasn't your cup of tea, next week I will be giving away a $10 League of Legends card, good for the purchase of...whatever it is you buy in LoL.

This giveaway was a bit of an eye opener for me. I found that people didn't want to enter if they had to donate. I get that. Times are difficult. But for any of the giveaways I'm doing that are specifically to raise money for St Jude, that's going to be mandatory. The thing is, you don't have to donate a lot. You could donate one dollar and not only be eligible for the prize, but I would be pleased as punch that you donated. I hate that people might've felt like I was looking for a huge amount, because I'm not. Its true that I set my goal at $100 by today, and no, I haven't reached it, but that's okay. As long as I reach it by the end of the fundraiser (September 1st), I will still feel proud of  myself for accomplishing that goal. And I will be so grateful for everyone that helped me reach it (I'm already so thankful for the donations I've received.). I will be holding at least one giveaway thats not St Jude related (because I love you guys), but the option to donate will still be there (it just won't be mandatory).

With this giveaway I also learned that people will be deceitful, and that's so wrong. I advertise my giveaways on Instagram as a way to get fresh eyes to my blog. I had someone who seemed really interested in entering comment on it over there. Well.....she lied about donating to St Jude to unlock all the extra entries. And then she lied about the information needed for extra entries. I thought I was clear when I said that I verify. And the fact that the donating to St Jude option wasn't really an option, but was mandatory to unlock the rest....I don't understand how anyone could think it was okay to lie.

This whole thing has been a learning experience. I have to accept it as such and move on, and next week's giveaway will hopefully go a lot smoother.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ModCloth Hits One Year in Plus Size Clothing

**The links in this post are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my link.

ModCloth is celebrating a very exciting milestone this week -- the one-year anniversary of officially launching plus-size clothing on their site! In just one year, they’ve expanded their product catalog with more items that fit all body types. Check out the full-range fashion page in their Style Gallery, which showcases community-uploaded photos featuring ModCloth items that are available in a full size range. Why? Because fashion should be for all!

I really love ModCloth, I even bought one of my potential wedding dresses from there! The 1950's section is my favorite, I really think I was born in the wrong decade sometimes. Here are some of my favorite pieces:

Beach Blanket Bingo One Piece

'S Marvelous Heel

Roadside Attraction Dress

Star of the Antique Show Dress

What are your favorite ModCloth pieces? Let me know in the comments below!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Play Live Progress and a Tiny Blog Update

Happy Monday everyone! I am working hard to get some steady content back up here. Last month I took two online courses and a webinar that really gave me a lot to think about. The biggest one being- where the hell is the pillar content? I realize I lack it something fierce, so I'm trying to write some things that I think can be interesting and relevant for more than a month :)

Also, as you know, I am participating in St Jude's Play Live. I've been obsessing over it really. Learning how to stream on Twitch has been really fun, and I'm still trying to figure out how to talk on it lol. And its kind of exciting to see when people are watching my games. I'm a pretty private person by nature, and really not even that confident a gamer. I don't even talk in Vent when I play WoW, so putting my face on the screen while playing has been huge for me. I am sad though that I haven't gotten any donations yet, its a little disheartening. I still have the $15 iTunes gift card giveaway happening until the 20th, and nobody has entered :( There are no donation minimums, I cannot stress this enough. Even if you donate one dollar, its a help. I wish I could give you guys the great stuff like video games and headsets, but its just not financially in the cards for me right now. Maybe next year I can come into this with some sponsors, but right now I'm freeballin' it (for lack of a better expression).

The team I'm on (Team TradeChat) is currently number two in the leaderboards for most money raised. This is largely due to Danielle, as she has such a web presence. She really cares about this fundraiser, and I'd like to help her out. And in a really sad turn of events for her, her father passed away from cancer over the weekend. Loads of people asked what they could do for her, and she responded that she'd like them to donate to St Jude. She got a lot of troll lashback for it (which is so rude), but her asking makes perfect sense to me. Her father just died of cancer, and shes trying to help raise money for a place that not only takes care of cancer stricken children for free, but who also do research on cancer.

This post sounds really bitter. I will probably remove it in a fit of blogger's remorse later. Its just that when I focus on things, I really want them to turn out the best they can be. I really want to help Danielle raise all the money she set out to, not only for the St Jude's children, but now for her father. It makes me angry that so many people badmouthed her right after her father died, I want to prove them wrong, that what she's doing is a good thing. And selfishly, I'd like reach the goal I set for myself as well. I want to know that if I set my mind to something, I can achieve it.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Play Live is now LIVE! And There's Loot! (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)

Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Just a quick note to let you know that St Jude's Play Live fundraiser is now in fact, live. So donating can now begin :) As I stated in my previous post, it is my goal to raise $100 by June 20th, 2014 and if I did, I would have a giveaway. Well, I was perusing some of the other players' donor pages, and they are offering prizes throughout the fundraiser. A lot of them have business sponsors though, so their prizes are pretty neat (and pricey). And while I can't offer you things like new consoles or headphones, I can offer some smaller things that are still pretty cool. So I thought to get things started, I would offer up a $15 iTunes gift card. Its summertime, so that calls for conventions and road trips and barbeques....all things that require an awesome soundtrack. All I'm asking is that you make a donation to St Jude's through my donor page, and that's it. Once you donate, the other options to earn extra entries will unlock. Also, the donating option is open every day, so you can donate as frequently as you like. There is also no donating minimum, meaning you can donate as much or as little as you feel appropriate .

This giveaway is for US addresses only, and the reason for that is, I'm not sure how international donating works for the fundraiser. If one of my international readers would like to give it a try and let me know how it goes, I will gladly open this, and all future giveaway pertaining to the Play Live fundraiser internationally. The winner will be notified on June 21st, 2014 by email. From that time, the winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be chosen. Accounts used for solely for giveaway purposes will be disqualified. Also, if you unlock the ability to tweet about the giveaway, please have your account public on June 21st. If you are private and I can't verify your tweet, that entry will be disqualified as well.

Thank you all so much for helping me reach this goal. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WoW Wednesday- Etsy Finds

Happy Wednesday! Here are some great WoW finds courtesy of Etsy.

There are a lot of really cool World of Warcraft items on Etsy right now! Its still mostly Horde dominated, but you can find some great Alliance things on there too, you just have to do a little digging :)

Don't forget, St Jude's Play Live fundraiser starts this Friday! I am taking part by live streaming some of my WoW and Heartstone game play. Please help me reach my goal of raising $100 by donating at Thanks! 

Friday, June 6, 2014

St. Jude's Play Live (Updated!)

Hello everyone! I am happy to share this awesome fundraiser that I have signed up to participate in, and I hope you'll sign up for it too.

As you know, I watch Danielle's videos on YouTube quite frequently. She was one of my favorite contestants on season one of King of the Nerds, and it was just major bonus points that she's also a fellow World of Warcraft player. So I was super excited to see this video, explaining her involvement in the upcoming St Jude fundraiser Play Live.
With all the buzz surrounding John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, childhood cancer is having a moment. Which is good, because awareness is never a bad thing. But cancer isn't just having a moment with me, its been a constant in my life. I've had family members that have fought long, hard battles with cancer that they ultimately lost. In my late teens/early twenties, I had precancerous cells removed from some pretty important parts. And since then, I've had a bevy of tumors removed from various other parts. Luckily those have all been benign, but at some point I figure my luck will run out.

I have signed up under Danielle's team (Team TradeChat) to fund raise for this event. Any donations I earn will go towards Danielle's ultimate goal of raising $100,000 for the hospital. I have set my goal at $100, and I hope you'll be there to help me reach it. If I can get five people to join the team by June 12th (the day before the fundraiser officially begins), I will hold a giveaway here on the blog. I have some Attack on Titan, Titanfall, League of Legends things to give away....and that's just for starters. If I can reach that $100 goal I've set for my team by June 20th, I will add in some more awesome prizes. I guess its like Kickstarter...or achievement unlocking. Help me reach my goals, and I'll reward you with awesome goodies :)

This is the first time I'll be live streaming anything, so I'm really nervous about it. I will be playing World of Warcraft and Hearthstone for the streams. I'm not the best player at either game, but I figure I need to get past my gaming insecurities so I can help out this great cause.

I really hope you'll join me on this adventure: is my donor page info. Play Live runs from June 13th 2014- September 1st, 2014.

Everyone seems to take on causes whether they mean to or not, and cancer has always been one for me. This St Jude's fundraiser is a great way to support geeky guys and girls in their gaming endeavors while supporting a great cause like St Jude's. And even if cancer isn't your personal crusade, think of all the Augustuses (Augusti?) and Hazels out there that could benefit from St Jude's research and facilities.