Monday, April 25, 2016

ModCloth Monday #5

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links.**

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 8th, which is coming up way faster than I'd like to admit! It can be difficult to buy presents for your mom- I know it is for me. I never know if I should go funny or sentimental, and occasionally I just flat out forget to buy one all together. And now that I'm a mom myself, I know that while the first two are equally as appreciated, that last one hurts. A lot. I also struggle with price. I buy for my mom, my stepmom and now my mother-in-law. Before I would worry that I would buy a more expensive gift for my stepmom and my mom would find out about it, but now my mother-in-law almost demands the most expensive gift (she seriously puts price minimums on the gifts she expects), which leaves me feeling like crap for giving my mom and stepmom something that's I feel may not be as nice. Its a real conundrum.  And you just might be thinking -so what does all of her internal struggle have to do with this ModCloth Monday? Well, I'll tell you. ModCloth has everything you need to find the perfect Mother's Day gift this year. They have all different price points and all different styles, so you can find something for pretty much any mother figure on your list. Or if you're a mom- buy yourself a little pressie- you totally deserve it! Motherhood is rough, you might as well look cute while living it. 

Here are my top picks for Mother's Day gifts:

ModCloth Monday #4

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Mix Up #24

Here are some links to help you procrastinate your Monday away- enjoy!!

*I thought this was a joke (it was published on April Fool's Day), but say hello to the Double Dose Twins!

*Someone made a real Glock look like the gun from Duck Hunt. I'm not here to debate any political gun stances, I just think it looks neat.

*Can Super Mario Maker inspire children to learn to code/design games? Nintendo helps a library full of kids in SF figure it out.

*The biggest, free legacy server for World of Warcraft, Nostalrius (which I played on occasionally), was shut down by Blizzard for violating it's terms of service. This topic will more than likely be a WoW Wednesday, but I thought I'd share it now. The hate for Blizzard on social media has been unreal the past week.

*I usually save videos for my Monday Mixtapes, but I thought I'd share this one because the song has been stuck in my head. It's a little bit Lonely Island, alotta bit NSFW. Here's 3OH!3 with My Dick: