Monday, February 29, 2016

ModCloth Monday #3

Today's ModCloth Monday is all about their new collection that is featuring the romantic road trip look. Its basically celebrating the major feelings of wanderlust that spring is bringing on with oh-so-pretty boho vibes (because who did wanderlust better than hippies, right?). And even if spring hasn't quite hit your neck of the woods yet, I think its nice to daydream of adventures you'd like to have. I know I hear the beach calling my name! Also, for some strange reason, I want to go to somewhere desert-ish, like Texas. I mean, I already live somewhere super hot, and I'm not looking for that in a vacation destination at all, but I've been having these dreams where I go to somewhere kind of dusty. Maybe its from all those episodes of Diners, Drive -Ins and Dives I've been watching lately. If Guy isn't on the East Coast, it seems like hes somewhere in the Midwest/Texas-y. Anyway, these are my favorite pieces, I hope you enjoy!

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ModCloth Monday #3

ModCloth Monday #3 by krystellemt

1) Bring Out the West in Me Bootie in Stone
2) In Fine Drape Dress
3) Bora Bora Beautiful One-Piece Swimsuit
4) Easygoing Expression Jeans in Distressed Dark Wash
5) Cabana Bash Dress
6) Keep an Ocean Mind Swimsuit Top/Keep an Ocean Mind Swimsuit Bottom
7) You're My Idyll Dress
8) Aura You Ready? Mood Necklace

And I can keep going!! ModCloth has really been a favorite of mine lately, I just want everything on the site (but I'm broke *sobs*).  Have you checked out the site lately? Is there anything you've had your eye on?

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