Monday, February 29, 2016

ModCloth Monday #3

Today's ModCloth Monday is all about their new collection that is featuring the romantic road trip look. Its basically celebrating the major feelings of wanderlust that spring is bringing on with oh-so-pretty boho vibes (because who did wanderlust better than hippies, right?). And even if spring hasn't quite hit your neck of the woods yet, I think its nice to daydream of adventures you'd like to have. I know I hear the beach calling my name! Also, for some strange reason, I want to go to somewhere desert-ish, like Texas. I mean, I already live somewhere super hot, and I'm not looking for that in a vacation destination at all, but I've been having these dreams where I go to somewhere kind of dusty. Maybe its from all those episodes of Diners, Drive -Ins and Dives I've been watching lately. If Guy isn't on the East Coast, it seems like hes somewhere in the Midwest/Texas-y. Anyway, these are my favorite pieces, I hope you enjoy!

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ModCloth Monday #3

ModCloth Monday #3 by krystellemt

1) Bring Out the West in Me Bootie in Stone
2) In Fine Drape Dress
3) Bora Bora Beautiful One-Piece Swimsuit
4) Easygoing Expression Jeans in Distressed Dark Wash
5) Cabana Bash Dress
6) Keep an Ocean Mind Swimsuit Top/Keep an Ocean Mind Swimsuit Bottom
7) You're My Idyll Dress
8) Aura You Ready? Mood Necklace

And I can keep going!! ModCloth has really been a favorite of mine lately, I just want everything on the site (but I'm broke *sobs*).  Have you checked out the site lately? Is there anything you've had your eye on?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mixtape Monday #13

Hello there and happy Monday! Here's a little playlist of things I've been listening to this month:

Its a little varied right now- I just can't decide what mood I'm in musically. And of course, here's that Formation video from Beyonce'. I might write a little something about this later since it got everyone's panties up in a twist, but for now, I will share it just because I like the song.

What are you listening to right now? I'm always up for musical suggestions :)

Monday, February 15, 2016

ModCloth Monday #2

Happy President's Day and Happy Monday! This ModCloth Monday is dedicated to skirts. I'm not much of a skirt wearer, but these are so cute that I just might have to make an exception!

ModCloth Monday #2

They're all so cute (and there are so many more cute ones on their site!), but my absolute favorite of this set number two. It reminds me of the shirts my grandma used to wear, and while I always miss my grandma, the beginning months of the year are the roughest for me (she passed away in January 2011, and our birthdays are right next to each other in March). Who knew that a skirt could leave you feeling sentimental!?

Have you purchased anything that's left you feeling sentimental lately?

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Five Fandom Friday: Womances in Honor of Galentine's Day

Hello and Happy Friday! Today's 5FF is all about womances in honor of Galentine's Day. What is Galentine's Day?
I haven't watch Parks and Recreation, so I feel a little phony acting like I know about this holiday, but I thought the topic was fun, so here are my favorite sets of friends:

1. Miranda, Charlotte, Carrie and Samantha
I love Sex and the City, and I love the group dynamic of these four ladies. They are my squad goals, because each one of them is so different, yet they compliment each other so well. And who wouldn't want a group of ladies that you could always call for a lunch or dinner and know that they'll always be there? I think that's just the best. 

2. Daria and Jane

They're both so sarcastic and "misunderstood", and I love them for that. They were the girls I wanted as friends as a teenager, not the "popular" kids. 

3. Jessica and Hope
I just wrote about Jessica in another post, but Jessica and Hope together are amazing! Jessica is very dry and sarcastic, while Hope is artistic and very upbeat. They have a very Daria and Jane vibe, I guess I'm drawn to that type of dynamic. They are apart for most of the series because Hope moves away after a family tragedy, but they finally get back together in the end, and its everything you could want for them. 

4. Taylor Swift and her #squad
Taylor Swift has squad for days! And I know that some people think it's an act, but I don't. Taylor and her friends support each other and they're not afraid to show how much they love each other. I can only hope to get a squad like that someday, but until then, I'll just envy Taylor's :)

5. Max and Caroline
They just go perfectly together- the uppity, used to be rich girl and the sarcastic, never had anything girl, making their way to cupcake business success (one day....). Max is a very relatable character to me, while Caroline is a bit of a stretch. But together, they are great. And if social media is true, they're friends in real life too, which makes it even better. 

So who are your favorite friends? Do you celebrate Galentine's Day? Tell me about it below!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#ShelfLove Challenge 2016: February Post

February's #ShelfLove Challenge question is: Who is you book boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend? What qualities does this character have that makes him/her the best?

This is a tough one, because I don't get attached to book characters the way some people do. I never dreamed of being Bella so I could have Edward (and yes, I did know someone like that lol, and no, I was Team Jacob anyway).So I went the best friend route- and the only character that came to my mind was Jessica Darling from the Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty. The books are set roughly around the same time I was in high school, so the world events and pop culture references are very relevant to me. Plus, Jessica reminds me of my best friend from high school, Liz. Jessica is very smart, driven, athletic and sarcastic- which was pretty much Liz. All the supporting characters were people we knew in high school, just with different names. Reading those books is like reading about me and Liz, and I love that. Sadly, my relationship with Liz fell apart after she went away for college and I stayed here. But every time I read one of those books, I feel like I'm friends with her again, and that's something that's hard to find in a series.

Who would your book bestie or boyfriend/girlfriend be? Let me know in the comments below!!

Books Read Update: I haven't read any books from my TBR pile yet. Well, Side Effects May Vary was one, but I don't  know if I can count it because I started it in December and finished in January.

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