So my husband and I did a total binge watch of Jessica Jones over the past couple of days and I am in love!!! Jessica Jones is the perfect superhero in my opinion because shes not out there flaunting it, she just wants to help people and reconcile herself with her really shitty past. Never mind the fact that shes pretty relatable and has a cool job (a private eye! get paid to be nosy, my dream job lol) Above is a little inspiration board/casual costume/gift guide for the Jessica Jones lover in your life. The DSLR, messenger bag, bad-ass attitude and enemies sold separately :)
Here is my recap of the cosplay panel from BlizzCon with a few relevant YouTube videos thrown in. I needed a break from all the Legion talk, so this was the only time my husband and I split up for panels. I thought the panel was pretty cool, although I was disappointed at how the main objective seemed to be to promote the Blizzard Cosplay Reference Kits (three of the five panelists were Blizzard employees). I don't cosplay (but have a definite interest in doing so), but I thought these were good tips for beginning cosplayers. More experienced cosplayers, is this true?
Sneaky Zebra- BlizzCon Cosplay Video
The Panel:
*Keikei Day- Moderator (Blizzard employee)
*Rachel Day (Blizzard employee)
*Lorraine Torres (Blizzard employee)
*Allison Trinh
*Jordan Duncan
Rachel showed us pictures of cosplays from past BlizzCons. She talked about how the cosplays have progressed over the years. Blizzard employees have their own cosplay group.
Lorraine - Cosplay Basics
Where to start?
-Pick your project
-Do your research (She really pitched the Blizzard Cosplay Kits here)
What to Use:
-Safety equipment while crafting
-Your time wisely- manage that shit!
-Google!- techniques, pattern making, etc
-Use everything to create costumes (craft supplies, thrift store buys, etc)
-Premades/commissions (commission pieces if short on time/skill)
Jordan- Prop Building
Design, Plan, Build
-think about LEDs, wiring, batteries
-plan your molding/casting process with those listed above in mind
-use Adobe Illustrator for patterns (ability to make patterns in layers for adjustments, etc)
-shaping and scultping of pieces
-filler, primer and sanding
-then molding:
prep the mold
make a mother mold
cast the mold (hollow cast for weight)
clean the prop
Allison- Large Cosplays (she was Winston in the BlizzCon Cosplay contest on Friday night)
-shipping/trasnportation of cosplay
-personal safety in costume (fans, water, handler)
Here are my recaps of the Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm panels I went to during BlizzCon. BlizzCon was like information overload, so I know that I'm forgetting a lot of stuff!! I bought a notebook on Friday night so I could start writing down what I'd heard that day, and so I could take it to panels with me on Saturday lol. The smart blogger would've come with a notebook though...oh well, maybe next year (if I get so lucky!).
Hearthstone Panel
-the new adventure is The League of Explorers (Egyptian type feel)
-discussed all forty-five (!) new cards
-will earn all four new heroes at the completion of each wing/the adventure
-Reno Jackson, Brann Bronzebeard, Elise Starseeker, and Sir Finley Mrrgleton are the new heroes
-Discover! (class specific or neutral depending on your deck. its on a lot of the new cards)
-first wing of the adventure opens on Thursday, November 12th, 2015
Heroes of the Storm Panel Character Development
-Eighteen weeks to test a character.
-Two hundred Blizzard characters on a list of potential HotS heroes.
-Things considered while choosing a character to add: how many of that type currently exist in the game and the character's silhouette. New Characters *Cho'gall
Two players controlling one hero. Cho is melee, Gall is ranged. Each part has his own talents, but they have attacks that work together.
Cho'gall can't be purchased. He will be given to every BlizzCon attendee and virtual ticket holder. Those players can then pair up with other players and so some battles together as part of a quest for the player to get Cho'gall. The original Cho'gall holder can earn gold once they give four people Cho'gall.
Shapeshifter since he's a Worgen.
Fight from afar and finish up close.
Permanent speed increase.
She doesn't walk, she prances.
Other News
-Gul'dan is coming.
-Pre-order Overwatch Origins and get Tracer as a Hero.
Are you guys excited for any of the new changes to Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm?
Back in the beginning of 2014, I did a giveaway with a company called Datevitation. The owners are Alex and Olga and they make these really cool personalized love coupons. Their company has since expanded into other custom products (Sillywise), and their most recent endeavor, SuperKind, was actually created by their six year old daughter, Eva!
SuperKind is the cutest way to spread a little kindness into the world. Each SuperKind set includes 16 custom kindness cards; 16 custom stickers; and a certificate to affix the stickers. The cards and stickers are personalized with your child’s face and name. If you don't have a child, they can totally be customized with your face and name :)
Once you get your kit, the idea is for your child (or you), to perform the task listed on the card. They give the card to whoever they've just done the RAOK for, and then that person is supposed to complete that task within three days. After your child completes the task though, they get to find it on the certificate that comes in your SuperKind kit, and cover it with a sticker. Once the certificate is complete, its a nice keepsake to show how awesome your child is. If you are adulting while doing these, I think they would be fun to do at a convention. I mean, superhero awesomeness is already kind of a theme there. But if going to cons isn't your thing, doing these at the office could be fun too. Just don't be surprised if these cards show up at your retirement party.
The Kickstarter doesn't end until December, but its never too early to start RAOKs. If you share the campaign on social media, you can get the Kindness Cards and a special Christmas Bonus Pack for free! Both are PDFs, so you can print them from the comfort of your own home (you don't even have to wear pants!!). Visit the Kickstarter page immediately for those details and make all the children in your life happy this holiday season.
Please check out this campaign and share it with anyone you think would enjoy it! There are lots of perks too, so go take a look and let me know what you think.
Happy November! Here are a few songs that I have been listening to lately. Its not a big list this time since I shared a lot of them on MM #11. I hope you have a fantastic week and a great month!!