Friday, January 17, 2014


This is the first of my Currently/Recently posts. I'm not sure if I'll keep these up, but I've seen them done on so many other other blogs and I love them, so hopefully they can find their place here on KMT.

Happenings: The Wienermobile was in town recently. I succeeded in getting a Weenie Whistle, even though I had to embarrass myself greatly by singing in public to get it. And shout out to our local paper, who felt the need to print that in an article the next day :)

Listened To: I love this song. They hardly play it on the radio, and that's a shame. Guess I need to stop procrastinating and buy it from iTunes already.

Watched: The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills. Atlanta was the first Housewives show I watched, and its always been my favorite. Beverly Hills is getting really stale and I'm not sure I'll be watching it next season. Kim needs to go, Brandi needs to shut up, and Yolanda needs to get back to being nice.

I should have a review about it up soon. I want to watch the movie now.


  1. LOL! Rad timing! I'm watching The Bling Ring right now as I catch up on my Bloglovin' posts!

    1. How was it? The book had a lot of unnecessary statistics, I thought. Not to completely give away my review lol.


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